Winners of Chamber Music Audition 2012-2014
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Date23-03-08 16:17 View788 Comments0 ListContent
The Winners of "The 1st Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2012": String Quartet
* Best Performance: NOVUS Quartet
Violin_Kim, Jaeyoung / Violin_Kim, Younguk / Viola_Lee, Seungwon / Cello_Moon, Woongwhee
* Outstanding Performance: Quartet Gaia
Violin_Chung, Jihye / Violin_Choe, Haesung / Viola_Kim, Sungeun / Cello_Park, Eunju
The Winners of "The 2nd Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2013": Piano Trio
* The Artsylvia Prize: Trio Jade
Piano_Lee, Hyojoo / Violin_Park, Jiyoon / Cello_Lee, Jungran
* The Artsylvia Prize: Trio Philia
Piano_Guk, Youngha / Violin_Joo, Yeonkyung / Cello_Joo, Yeonsun
* The Young Sylvia Prize: Piano Trio S-Callia
Piano_Noh, Hansol / Violin_Shin, Sun / Cello_Lee, Sunghee
The Winners of "The 3rd Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2014": Wind Quintet
* The Artsylvia Prize: Vere Woodwind Quintet
Flute_Yu, Jihong / Oboe_Kim, Jongah / Clarinet_Cho, Sungho /
Bassoon_Lee, Eunho / Horn_Ju, Hongjin
* The Young Sylvia Prize: Bellissimo Woodwind Quintet
Flute_Kim, Jiwoo / Oboe_Cha, Sihyun / Clarinet_Lee, Jinah /
Bassoon_Baik, Seunghoon / Horn_Lee, Jimin
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