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Previous Jury Members & Audition Winners 

Jury Members of Chamber Music Audition 2018-2020

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Date23-03-20 18:48 View831 Comments0 List


The Jury Members of "The 7th Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2018": Wind Quintet 

Oh, Kwangho_Emeritus Professor, Korea National University of Arts

Lee, Hyekyung_Professor, Dankook University

Ham, Ilgyu_Professor, Chung-Ang University   

Lee, Changhee_Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra 

Kim, Dongsoo_Professor, Sungshin Wonmen's University

Lim, Sunghoon_Principal, Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra

Song, Jeongmin_Former Assistant Principal, KBS Symphony Orchestra, Yureum Woodwind Quintet

Lee, Seokjun_Professor, Korea National University of Arts

The Jury Members of "The 8th Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2019": Brass Quintet 

Lee, Jeongseang_Music Director, Seoul Orchestra

Kim, Yeungdu_Professor, Soongsil Conservatory

Heo, Jaeyoung_Professor, Chung-Ang University 

Kim, Dongsoo_Professor, Sungshin Wonmen's University

Kim, Unseong_Professor, Sookmyung Wonmen's University

Ahn, Heechan_Former Professor, Chugye University for the arts

Choi, Kyungil_Principal, Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra

Jin, Eunjune_Lecturer, Seoul National University 

Lee, Seokjun_Professor, Korea National University of Arts

The Jury Members of "The 9th Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2020": String Quartet

Kim, Euimyung_Emeritus Professor, Hanyang University

Lee, Sungju_Professor, Korea National University of Arts

Wee, Chanju_Professor, Hanyang University

Lee, Kyungsun_Professor, Seoul National University 

Ryu, Siyeon_Professor, Sookmyung Wonmen's University

Park, Taehyung_Professor, Dankook University

Lee, Kangho_Professor, Korea National University of Arts

Kim, Sangjin_Professor, Yonsei University

Yoon, Jinwon_Professor, Kyung Hee University 

Lee, Jungran_Trio Jade

Tatsuki Watanabe_Principal, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra


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