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Audition Winners 




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Date23-02-22 14:52 View1,183 Comments0


The Winners of "The 13th Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2024": String Quartet

* The Artsylvia Prize: Arete Quartet

Violin_Jeon, Chaeann/ Violin_Park, Eunjoong/ Viola_Jang, Yoonsun / Cello_Park, Seonghyeon

* The Special Prize: Risus Quartet

Violin_Lee, Haeni/ Violin_Yoo, Jieun/ Viola_Chang, Eunkyung/ Cello_Ma, Yukyung

*The Prize for Encouragement: Hesper Quartet

Violin_Kim, Sojeong/ Violin_Yoon, Yejin/ Viola_Yun, Sohui/ Cello_Kim, Connor G


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Audition Winners List
No. Subject Date View
2 The Winners of Artsylvia Chamber Music Audition 2… 03-08 1187
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